

Consumption of soft drinks with added sugars is linked with insulin resistance and impaired glucose homeostasis among youth at risk of obesity.

How many times did we heard this? "Better to avoid or limit soft drinks and beverages with high content of sugar ...
Even more than bread and sweets ... But why?

Because "added sugars" in liquid sources such as soft drinks and beverages are quickly assimilated and determine a "sudden" rise in blood glucose concentration after their intake.
It 's because of their high glycemic index , higher than in solid foods with the same sugar content, that sugary drinks or soft drinks have been demonized as the cause of an increased risk of diabetes.

In addition, a recent study examined the effect of added sugars, from liquid or solid sources, on a sample of youth at risk of obesity for a period of 2 years. The intake of added sugars from both liquid and solid sources was not related to increased indices of adiposity (fat mass , body mass index , or waist circumference) .
Unfortunately, however, an higher consumption (10 grams / day) of added sugars from liquid sources such as beverages and soft drinks was linked to higher fasting glucose and insulin, to insulin resistance, and to a lower insulin sensitivity ... factors that are not only predictive of risk of diabetes but also of cardiovascular risk .

Added sugars from solid foods did not elicit this effect.

If we want to sweeten our day ... better to choose a good slice of cake rather than all those fizzy drinks that are so popular, unfortunately, even in schools ... Drinks that contain from 27 to 31 grams of sugar in just 250 ml (one full glass )...

Consumption of Added Sugars from Liquid Sources Predicts Solid but Not Impaired Glucose Homeostasis and Insulin Resistance Among Youth at Risk of Obesity . Abstract
Wang J , Light K , Henderson M, O'Loughlin J , Mathieu ME, Paradis G , Gray- Donald K.
J Nutr . 2014 Jan ; 144 (1) :81 -6 . doi: 10.3945/jn.113.182519 . Epub 2013 November 6 .
Image Courtesy of Naypong / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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